Thursday 11 July 2013

6 Factors that Impact your HR's Success!

Factors impacting HR's Success in business

In the previous blog we discussed about the Business-HR Engagement  that enables efficient PEOPLE management. Now, lets identify the Business-HR Engagement factors that impact your HR's success the most
(top being the most influential):
1. Business leaders value and implement the employee performance management system
2. HR prepares programs and coordinates its activities that support business objectives
3. Business leaders highly respect the opinions of HR on business issues
4. HR prepares and uses metrics to link its activities to business objectives
5. HR reports to the management on their activities that link to business strategies
6. Business leaders regularly interact with HR about business issues.
Also Read: Why do we need to emphasis on Business-HR Engagement? What's in it for the business? Let's talk about it in the next blog...

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