Thursday 27 June 2013

Common HR Perceptions

HR plays a more strategic role in impacting the bottom-line than ever before-
You must have heard this millions of times. Yet some businesses find it difficult to get the most out of the department and end up being underwhelmed by the prospect. Is it the Business Leaders who do not realize the true potential of the HR or is HR it's own worst enemy?

Let’s find out what they think about the HR …

Business Leaders - “So, what, exactly does HR do?
  • Feel that they possess the skills necessary to manage their people issues
  • Consider HR as a service function and cost center that fails to improve bottom line/essential operational functions
  • Fail to see the long term advantages that HR initiatives and programs can offer
  • Prioritize other operational issues over their people issues
HR Department - Superheroes who are yet to realize their super-powers
  • Underestimate the potential of the department's role
  • Act as process zealots/bigots
  • Specializes in specific areas of HR, such as recruiting, instead of end-to-end HR management
  • Doesn't truly understand their company's business mission and issues
  •  Is unable to offer expertise to different departments
  •  Sometimes cannot act on its programs or initiatives
  • Don’t consider the need of the business to be agile and proactive, instead focuses on sameness and rigidity.

                                                                                                                                                                 Source: McLean and Company

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